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YOU mag 16/09/2012

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neil2 | 08:59 Sun 16th Sep 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
12a, Outlooks - in the monkey Trial


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Is it SCOPES? as in Scopes Monkey Trial
yes scopes
Shouldn't the second letter be "m" from millilitre
Is it 6 letters then neil2? Scopes will be right if it's 6
Yes it's 6 letters,but the 2nd one should be m (first letter ...second word..)for answer to" metric unit. of volume a thousandth of a litre
Isn't centilitre 100th of litre and millilitre 1000th of litre?
Hi, My last clue.... gr.r.r. Well, I googled Monkey Trial and after much informative reading about a trial in the USA

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YOU mag 16/09/2012

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