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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:22 Sat 29th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
62 Answers
"You left an imprint on my heart" ♥♥♥


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Hi Mamya where is everyone tonight?
Quadruple Ena!! What next?
Carol, I am not going topless - not for Moony ;)
Only a lot...
Thanks for posting the track by Albert Hammond Mark, not heard that for ages and used to love it. What happened to him?
Mark used to love the Albert Hammond track.
> Mark used to love the Albert Hammond track.

I still do!

He's still going strong, AFAIK...
Morning all! I lived up to my user-name today, so still doing crosswords...

I used to sing this quite well & would like to sing it for someone special now - some of the notes may be a bit wobbly :-)
This often surprises people. The Hollies had a massive hit with it, of course, but it was written by Albert Hammond and Mike Hazelwood...
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Some great music tonight - Maj, you been a naughty stay up late Lion?? Purrr. one of my favourites ♥
It's a good ol' quiz chestnut, Lynne. Problem is, no-one really knows which station Paul was sitting in when he wrote it...
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Not going to fall for that one.
Sweet dreams and ttfn x
If the quiz is a bit crap, give the answer as "Widnes", because that's what the wiki page for the song says... :-)
Nice one, ttfn. The reprise at 2:50 remains one of my favourite moments in all music...

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Night night song from Mamya♥

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