radio times 42 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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radio times 42

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sailortom | 14:50 Tue 09th Oct 2012 | Crosswords
8 Answers
21 across drama series stops on the radio before biing back ?????S ?A?
4 down coastal town disease ?E?S?D? R?S???
20 across container to make a comeback ????R?
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seaside resort
21 Howards Way ?
Foyles War seems to fit the grid, but cannot solve the clue
21 Foyles War
Foyles "on the radio" means as heard, i.e, as Foils = stops
War, back, is RAW = biting as in biting cold

20 is not RETURN!
It's RETORT which is a container for a chemical reaction, or a remark as a comeback to something said
souns like foils
war- is raw backwards but i can't read all your clue
21A Foyles Law
21a Foyles War
4d Seaside (anagram of disease) Resort
20a Retort

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radio times 42

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