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Daily Telegraph Toughie Wednesday October 17th 2012

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catsrcool | 12:04 Wed 17th Oct 2012 | Crosswords
9 Answers
2dn Spells 'dishy' phonetically? (7) S?R???Y
12ac Funny way to give the French king almost nothing (4)???O
27ac Wooden bridges worried collie -- do not cross! (6,4) ?O?I?E ?I?? POLICE LINE ?


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2d) sorcery
27a) yes - 'pine' outside anagram of 'collie'
yes to police line
yes. anagram of collie insde pine
12a ze ro(i)
12a) zero? ze + ro(i)
27a Yes, PINE around OLICEL / collie
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Daily Telegraph Toughie Wednesday October 17th 2012

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