Hi, I normally post in the "other place" and I know many of the solvers on this site also frequent CS...link below for my first Xword effort, I'd be grateful for any feedback(especially if it's critical)from anyone who has time to print it of and have a go.
I suspect you're just getting the standard disclaimer on opening any file...I failed completely at linking using dropbox but I'll "phone a friend" and see if they can do it for me.
With any luck link to solutions for WWU1 attached below...the undefined clues were 12/14/15/24(with an edible one at 8/19)Apologies again for the extra "s" at 19D.
Well, my 10 was correct
No wonder I didn't get any further, as I had no idea that there was undefined clues. If I had known, I would probably have stayed clear as I know it would have been out of my league.