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Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1016 Saturday January 5Th 2013

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Julest1 | 10:45 Sun 06th Jan 2013 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Can't parse my last three in NE corner. Kind explanations welcomed. Or maybe I have them all wrong!

10A Partners opening notice in wonder (4) -W-- Awed?
12D Was successful, saving most of wages? Shame! (9) --S-R---T Discredit?
21A What Macbeth feared his hands would make, being burned (6) -E-R-- Seared?

Happy New Year to one and all.


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10a Awed (Notice = AD + W(est) and E(ast) - partners in cards)
10a.Awed ( Bridge partners w&e in side ad)
12d.Discredit( did it round scre(w))
21 yes

Sea Red
Where is that knocking coming from? What’s happening to me, that I’m frightened of every noise? (looking at his hands) Whose hands are these? Ha! They’re plucking out my eyes. Will all the water in the ocean wash this blood from my hands? No, instead my hands will stain the seas scarlet, turning the green waters red.
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Brilliant thanks all.
10A Awed - "we", partners, opening = prising apart "ad", opening Awed = in wonder

12D "Did it" = was successful; "scre" is most of screw, or wages, hence Discredit

21A Seared. Wordplay on quotation from Macbeth - can't recall exact quote, byt alludes to there being enough blood on his hands that should he seek to wash even in the sea, it would turn the sea red.
Quote is above,

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Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1016 Saturday January 5Th 2013

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