Hi Boreas
I have OLEATE for your " cabbage" answer but am not totally happy with it. I used COLE for the cabbage minus C for calorie, but I thought calorie was usually CAL when abbreviated!
Having come late to this puzzle I have loads of across answers but am struggling with the the Down ones. I'm sure I've pencilled things in the wrong places and confused myself! Any tips greatly appreciated.
I got to oleate the same way.
As for the down clues, one thing to be aware of is that some of the clues need to have either an A dropped into them, or an A removed before they make sense.
Happy to be more specific if you like.
Thanks Boreas. As I worked out the theme and survivor etc before tackling the down clues I was trying to drop the letter A into my answers but I hadn't thought of removing it. Will try again. I certainly can't sort out the first down answers and keep to the alphabetical order bit as they are! Do I remove an A from the start of some of these?
To be honest, neither had I. But I knew the Japanese revered the survivors as a special group so I just googled the subject.
I have a teenage great nephew (a godson) who is is half-japanese and lives not far from Nagasaki- the other target.