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Farmers Guardian - 25/01/13

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Bob454 | 14:29 Sun 27th Jan 2013 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Can anyone help with the following:

10A Funding arrangement for schools and hospitals inside lower leg, notel Moving stuff? (8) ( - - - - - I - G)

1D Hammered? Whipped (6) (- A - - - - - D)
(4th letter is 2nd of 10A)

7D Very quiet in tailless cat's skin! - Losing balance (7) (T - - - I - G)
(3rd letter is 4th of 10A)

Many Thanks


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10a Shifting (moving stuff)- 'FTI' (or 'IFT'?, in) 'shin' + 'g' (note)
1d Lashed
7d Tipping - 'pp [very quiet] in' (both in) 'tig(er)' (?)

If 'shifting' is right, that doesn't allow for an 'F' in 7d...

Other than 'Fast-Track Initiative', I'm unsure as to the "funding arrangement" part of the clue.
10a shipping
Question Author
many thanks lie in king and frugal fred. i like lashed and tipping
could 10a be ' ppi' backwards in middle of shin + g ???
Yes, Bob, that's what I thought.
Sorry, I missed these replies - I like 'Shipping', but don't know enough about financial terms to apply either 'PPI' or 'IPP' to the clue...

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Do you know the answer?

Farmers Guardian - 25/01/13

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