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Fao Excelsior 1

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cupid04 | 18:15 Tue 12th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Do you realise that 'see how far this goes' will disappear from the latest posts just before 7.30 tonight. will you be carrying it on? I hope so! cupid04.


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hello cupid

sorry for the delay, i have only just seen this post

you were correct .. i have added another song, and it did not appear in the 'latest posts' column ...... how did you know that would happen in advance?

i could continue it if that is what you wish however, i will first offer you or anyone else the opportunity to start again and initiate' see how far this goes - version six'

any takers?
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posts only last a month. then they need renewing if you wish to carry on. I'm quite happy with excelsior to do a part 6. What do you think. Tilly deserves first refusal as it was her original idea.
i'm off to bed very shortly

you can all discuss it tonight, and choose among yourselves

my thanks anyway, to all who kept 'number 5' going
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You misunderstand excelsior. I would be quite happy for you to carry on. I wasn't trying to oust you.
i know that

Please hurry, I can't wait much longer.
Mick, why so sarcastic always?
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Sibton, ignore him, lol, have you spied tilly about?
Mick, why are you so anti this, and previous related threads? I would really like to know. . Why do they get up your nose so much?

love from Tilly xxx
I'm here, cupid.
Not today cupid, but I've been out most of the day
Ah the lovely lady is here
I have no idea what is wrong with you lot, I have taken part in every single one.
Hello, to you as well, sibton. I've been at work for most of the day too.
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I was just being courteous tilly in case you missed being ma'am. but i'm happy
to let excelsior carry on if you are. If you wanted to take the reins again I think excelsior would understand. cupid04.xx
Don't try to get out of it, Mick. You have made negative comments since August when it first began. You may have contributed but your contributions have always had a derisory note to them. I just don't understand why and would appreciate an honest answer.
i certainly would

i'm away now - good night ladies .... i shall see in the morning what has transpired
No response fro Mick then?

Anyway cupid, thanks for the offer but I think I'll pass. It takes up too much of my time. It was fun while it lasted. I haven't contribute to the thread for ages, except to remind excel that the end was nigh.
I'm with Mick on this...............
you can regenerate it by sending His Gnomeship a request, Tilly, that is if you wish to do so.

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