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Middlesbrough Gazette Cryptic

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Donaldinho | 19:55 Mon 04th Mar 2013 | Crosswords
11 Answers
2D Become motionless in the main - S?????
3D Hit cockney lady say, during the game - Bo????
8D Reserve has painful disease that's refusing to yield - S??????? o??
10A Friend in clutches of fellow upsetting inflammable liquid - T??o??
16D Deprived whistler of being involved in gamble - B?r??t
20A Tense outlook - ????r?


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2d static
20 Umpire
16d bereft
16 bereft
16d bereft
16d bereft
16 Bereft
16d Barbet
ignore mine
bereft looks better
16d bereft
3d bolero

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Middlesbrough Gazette Cryptic

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