Site Rules - Avoid posting questions and answers more than once in the same or multiple categories. They take up room from other posts and will be deleted.
As an experienced ABer, you should know that you are wrong. The rule not only applies to posting the same question several times but to posting queries from the same crossword/quiz, etc. It may not be a 'rule' as such but it is polite behaviour and multiple posts on the same topic are frowned upon and very annoying!
It used to be a problem in the old days shoota when Q&P was so busy, a page would fill up in a matter of a few minutes. It's not so important these days I don't think as it's much slower on here.
Yes, yes, this is all very well, but what about the crossword clue? Have I got it right, Carelvt? Can we have a word from our sponsor? Come in, please.
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