No, I doubt I would have the courage, I am sorry to say, although it might depend on exactly what was going on.
As to your nonsense about "it never happened when i was a youth" - You must have a faulty or selective memory then, AoG, or walked around without seeing. Gangs and violent confrontation have been around since forever; Plenty of evidence to show youth, extreme violence and gangs throughout modern history, from Victorian England through to mods and rockers, to football hooligans and violence on the terraces, through to territory/respect/drugs inspired violence of today.
All such gangs share some common roots. throughout modern history; disaffected young males, a desire to belong, a pathological need for "respect", stemming from a subconscious recognition of lack of self-worth, fierce defence of their own territory/team. background normally rooted in social almost pathological suspension of empathy.