As a setter I am full of admiration for this one--a novel variant on a well-worn theme, with sound, often very clever clues and a very fine coda. However, the major flaw, to which several have already referred, is that you don't have to solve the complete chain to finish the puzzle off, although one may want to do that to satisfy oneself completely. Also, as a solver I found it rather tedious to work through, what with all that cross-checking of abbreviations. I did wonder idly, as I wrote down the abbreviations beside each clue, whether they, or some such set, could have been arranged so as to form a message, or at least a series of real words; now that would have been really impressive, and something that Wan might consider trying as a follow-up. Coincidentally, I recently bought a copy of the endgame's selected writings via the Academic Book Collection, whose catalogue I receive regularly; highly recommended for those interested in the topic.