I think it is important to remember that not everyone enjoys the same puzzles in the same way. Personally, I could do without as many science-based puzzles (and associated comments along the lines of "Fantastic theme that I have loved since school"), but they simply mean I have more investigation to do before I can guess at what the rubric means. Similarly, the "Fantastic end game so please don't give the game away so everyone shut up" comments are (should be) unnecessary, and equally (at times) irritating (So he managed to hide a key word in the grid - whoop de do). And, as for the "Friday Club" or "All Correct" - fine if that is how you do things, but, as I have said before, I prefer to do things in small chunks, and am the worst proof reader in historu. BUT, the only point of coming to this little community is to sample the endless variety of the people in it, and their endless variety of response to the common problem we are all set weekly. Let's face it, there aint no other reason.