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The Woman Who Claims She Is Too Pretty To Take A Job

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Eve | 09:31 Mon 20th May 2013 | ChatterBank
102 Answers

Oh dear, not I'm not that great at maths but to me it seems she is just a bit better off without a job!


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nice looking, brain like a snail
Oh dear, indeed.

I've worked with prettier girls and they managed to not get harassed and bullied.
She's not exactly Miss World, and looking good never did anyone any harm in the workplace or elsewhere. I think she's probably just realised her parents are stupid :)
"I'm too pretty and am being hounded for my looks" -- takes part in a modelling shoot.
At the risk of sounding horribly catty, she looks far older than 33!

Anyhoo, if her parents are daft enough to foot her obscene monthly bills, then why the heck not? I only wish I had someone gullible enough to fall for any excuse I could come up with to not have a job.
she would do well to team up with that other Brain of Britain, Samantha Brick.
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I'm guessing it may be a part plea for someone to pick her up for modelling work and/or a "ha!" in the face of her former colleagues.

I've worked with far prettier girls who have never had that problem.
Meh, there's two girls here I can think of straight out who are prettier than this lady and seem to get by... although one does have the rather unfortunate nickname of 'Smelly' but she can take it...

I'd quite like it if I got £2000 a month to stay at home tho no matter how ridiculous the reason :c)
Can't she just dress down, no make up et al? (smile).
so have i, then again i worked with one who completely traded on her looks, the men were just drooling idiots, though for some totally baffling reason her boyfriend was a violent slob.
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She's the same age as me B00!

She has to have at least a decent level of academic intelligence if she has a doctorate.
Oh dear...I agree B00, I'd say nearer 43. :)
Just checking its not April 1st again.
not worth pestering imho
What if she were being harassed, though? Not everybody's work colleagues are as enlightened as ummm's, etc.

I agree she goes too far in the "work is not for me". But advice to "dress down" and so on seems a bit harsh. Focusing on the victim rather than the people who are harassing, who should be the target. Ho-hum.
No pictures of her without makeup and hair under a scientific paper hat. What a surprise! Although, I don't find it surprising that men and women in the workplace would find a woman with brains and beauty intimidating. What are her parents thinking though????
@ jim....that was said with tongue in check me dear.... seeing that this looks like a big publicity stunt IMO for her to get modelling work...husha ma mouth!
What is it with these women? Is it purely self publicity? While this lady is pretty, I know a few more who are much more lovey than she is. She's got a lot of front, I'll give her that !
Jim...we only have her word for what harassment is?
I've just read the comments. All very negative so I hope her ego can take it.

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