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Duncer | 20:48 Wed 17th Jul 2013 | Crosswords
18 Answers
Head man from warsaw on the radio (4) ?O?L

Is this poll?


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looks like it Warsaw in Poland.
Poll, yes- sounds like Poll
That should say sounds like Pole!
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Glad to help.
vakayu, you have had such a long day............
you need to sign off and go to bed.
Hi winner,how do you know that? Do you want rid of me?
vakayu, oh no, but you are still here solving clues for everyone. I am going to bed exhausted by the heat. Might just solve one or two before retiring though............ you know me!
Oh no to you too,stick around for a wee while yet,get a fan going or something and cool down,are you in the far south of England where it is scorching?
Oooh Vakayu, I can't tell you....................we have to stay anonymous!
Oh I am sorry I just thought I'd ask,it is a huge area,I am in the highlands of Scotland,very warm here this last week but it is supposed to be really hot this week-end so I am looking forward to it.
I know you are in Scotland vakayu.
Everyone who uses the word "wee" = is Scottish. (meaning little)
A bit further down the country, and the word "wee" means something completely different! but I won't go there. How much further down is a secret.
Okay winner I respect your anonymity,it's all the litres of water we are all drinking supposedly which causes that usage of the word :-)
vakayu, please know, that I think you give some fantastic answers on here.

We might be miles apart but I am proud to consider you a "colleague" of mine, and I love our banter.
I also would like to think of you as a "cyberfriend" and do enjoy our little chats,hope you have a good night's sleep,some people find it difficult in this humid air,whereas I just have come to the conclusion I was born in the wrong country,well to be honest I have known that for a long time.
Goodnight vakayu, see you very soon. I am so pleased to have you as a friend on answerbank. You are very clever. I hope I can learn from you.
Good night and sweet dreams,I am sure you could not learn anything from me,you are too much on the ball for that,speak soon.

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