Crossword in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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starrs | 20:04 Sat 27th Jul 2013 | Crosswords
192 Answers
Rearranged to spell a Hollywood actor 5,6 BLWEILFACR?


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Sir Lancelot 3 May

Bird of prey 7 letters **s*r**
This thread is almost 2 years old - go to Crosswords and repost so it is seen by people answering today.
Sorry Ellie Byrd is right.
Ta! Would never have got them.
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The Great Wall of China was the first public work to be funded by what ?
the pensioner crossword.....
4D ---- Mix (4) .e..
11A Smart Alecks(4,4) --s-b-y-

the last letter in 4D is the first letter in 11A.........

Thanks for any help.
13d Can't be Terrapin only 7 letters.
Herculis crossword- 3 August
Was away at the weekend, what are the linked words. For the Herculis
Thank you
Kind regards
Try posting in the main 'Crossword' topic listed on the left.

This is an ancient thread that does not come up in latest posts.
I'm closing this thread - if you have a crossword question please post it as a new thread in the crosswords section.

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