1 across popular name of a quartet of 17th century historians who produced a famous annals a chronicle of the history of mediaeval ireland,[4,7]---- m-s-e-s,9a,a member of an eastern church that is in union with the roman catholic church but maintains its own liturgy discipline and rite,[5],---t,1 down,fruit custard or blancmange usually thickened with corn flour,[8],----m-r-,2 down,loyalty to the federal union of the united states of america especially at the time of the civil war,[8],----n-s-, thanks anyone
U·ni·at (yn-t, -t) also U·ni·ate (-t, -t)
Of or relating to any of several Eastern Christian churches that are in communion with the Roman Catholic Church but retain their own languages, rites, and codes of canon law.
A member of any of these churches.