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The Week 866

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antand | 19:42 Fri 30th Aug 2013 | Crosswords
8 Answers
25. Indian writer's first name, say from years ago (4)S-T- I wondered whether is is Soto, but cannot quite see why.


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How about SETH (sounds like old fashioned saith).
Vikram Seth
Wouldn't that be his surname, though ?
I thought maybe they reverse surname/first name in Indian circles.
Question Author
I thought of Vikram Seth.....I wonder if the clue is a bit dodgy.
I cannot think of any other answer, but it seems a bit dodgy.

I haven't heard of Indians reversing surnames/ first names....but you may be correct.
I like Soto..A native american indian, plus a writer with the same surname (Gary Soto)
Seth is a first name in the West though - sounds like sayeth (from years ago, in the clue)?

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The Week 866

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