12 across (8) ?A???N?L Fashion designer a liberal authority in church. 13 down (10) ??V?N???O? Prediction of small return on investment by state. 22 across (4) One will punch son in display of temper maybe.
Many thanks, sandyRoe, frugalfred and dannyk13. Please may I impose upon your good nature for adifferent sort of question (and because you are the sort of folk who will very likely know the answer). Can any of you think of an adverb (in use after 1900) ending in the letters LEY ?
Many thanks again, dannyk13. I can`t quite make up my mind if "agley" is an adverb. I suppose it is (to quote Burns) " The best laid schemes of mice and men, gang aft agley". Yes, you`ve cracked it !