Why, Oh Why in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Why, Oh Why

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jayemcee | 16:42 Mon 30th Sep 2013 | Crosswords
6 Answers
The clue is "regularly bans visa for this vast expanse of land". The answer is Asia as no other solution would fit. However i have worried this for days and for the life of me I cannot see how we come to this result. Please help
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'regularly' indicates every other letter of bAnS vIsA
bAnS vIsA
bAnS vI sA
bAnS vIsA
'bans visa' ... even letters
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Doh! I think my little grey cells are solidifying in my old age. Thank you all so much for your very speedy responses, now it wont niggle at me.

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Why, Oh Why

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