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Rte 41

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Bernie | 19:13 Mon 30th Sep 2013 | Crosswords
28 Answers
22a Where white supremacists can take a running cliff jump (5) ?O?E? Could it be Moher
19d E-----------n> This question has a symbol where i have the lines in between E & N. Maybe someone who has seen the actual crossword may know (9) E?E?T?O?. is it symbol for exertion.
Many thanks


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22a Dover
or election?
or erection?
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All these would fit in. The symbol obviously means something- maybe someone who has actually seen the xwod might come up with the answer. many thanks to all
Bernie - you say (9) but show eight letters - by your suggestion it is (8), is that right?
I might be missing something here .... but what is the symbol ?
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Captain & Sam1960.Sorry i am only replying now.It is 8 letters E??????n.Sorry i cant show symbol.No key to os e?e?t?on
Is there an arrow or chevron (where you show a >) after the n?
Sorry Bernie, but other than the suggestions that have already been offered I can only find three other words that fit your grid. They are evection, ejection, and electros. But without knowing what the symbol is
that was clever (my message posted it'self) !! before I was finished !!
was just about to add i'm stumped !!
Don't worry sam you're not alone,I can't understand it either.
maybe somebody who has finished it will see it vakayu !! Till then.........
My parting shot is exemption but that is 9 letters which was suggested originally,so it shall remain a mystery-to be continued........
Is there any way you could just describe the symbol, Bernie? Is it mathematical, Chinese, or anything similar?
sure somebody will : ) we'll wait and see.
PS. Happy belated 1st anniversary on AB.
A lot of time and work put in, well done.
^ vakayu
what does the symbol look like, is it here?
Wow thanks for that Sam I hadn't even realised,a year already,how many wasted hours spent enjoying myself on here lol.
you're welcome lol xx

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