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Andyopey | 15:24 Tue 15th Oct 2013 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Dual purpose stores for life-boats? (5,8) water,?i?c?i??


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water biscuits?
Water biscuits (?)
Have seen yhid answered before as water biscuits.
apologies don't know why typos ^^^this
I don't get it.
Neither do i
All I can think of is that two necessities on board would be water and biscuits as rations being dual stores,but it is very iffy.
Did 'biscuit' used to mean a float? I think we used them years ago when learning to swim
Yes, true, although can't see where"life -boats" come in?
'Dual purpose' implies that you can use the 'stores' for more than one - er - purpose. What can you do with biscuits except eat them?
The biscuit I was thinking of was a buoyancy aid.
Andy, what gave you "water" as the first word?
Perhaps it's a play on words. I am sure they keep things like ship's biscuits in a lifeboat, together with fresh water, in case they pick up people who need them.
I seem to remember something like that as well sandyroe.

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