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mra1 | 17:23 Fri 18th Oct 2013 | Crosswords
20 Answers
This is mind boggling - have got as far as I can and am stuck on the following for which I can get no more letters viz 2 down (6) dark company L?t??E; 7 down (8) 24 hours abandoned by Ross ?E?E???K; 18down (8) Doctrine supports only a hundred in absurdity; 13across (10) he supported a motion at Oxford T?A?T????N;15 across (7) name associated with peace in Mexico and indeed with Nobel Prize O?TA?I: and 15 across (4-6)Courageous son of 10 (Ethiopia) who concluded a justified Jeremiad E?E?-?E?E?H - this is the hardest to date - at least to me - and I would be most relieved and grateful for any help offered


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13a Tractarian?
a follower of Tractarianism and supporter of the Oxford movement (which was expounded in pamphlets called `Tracts for the Times')
18d) sole c ism
18d solecism (only= sole; hundred = C; doctrine = ism)
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Thanks everyone for your input - 7 down is now ?E?E?I?? and I am still non the wiser - heyho I think I shall have to admit defeat
7d) might the answer to 24 be relevant?
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I have MEEK - just because it was the only word that fitted M?EK and the word blessed could apply to that word (Sermon on the Mount) so you have me there
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Thanks Bibblebub - just the one now which I am still working on!
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Make that 2 - 2down Dark Company L?T??E and 17 across He described some ratbags ?U?ST?N (I got 7 down and the answer to 18 down threw my original answer of Pushkin out the window!)
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Much obliged Bibblebub - I dismissed that one as the only one I could get on Wikipedia was St Dunstan!
i simply did a search for fiction ratbags and it appeared near the top
7d derelict ( derelict days by Alan Ross)
like you I am stuck on 2 down Dark company (7) L?T??E & also would appreciate any help. tks
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I have nuance which I think is okay - the only thing I can get to fit from 2 down is LITTLE or LOTTIE - neither of which make sense!
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There is also LITHEE an alternative spelling of Lithi - heavy club - the club bit could I suppose be company but dont get the dark unless it is a reference to the Indian nation whence it comes?
25a Octavio (Paz)

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