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Jamjar74 | 12:49 Fri 15th Nov 2013 | Crosswords
10 Answers
1a. Cudgel (3)

6a. Polynesian figurine (4)

2d. Alliance of powers (4)

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2d Axis
6a tiki
1 sap?
1a Bat? Rod?
1 tan
2 axis or nato
I don't know what answer the compiler is looking for for 1a. If it's 'bat' then cudgel doesn't seem a great clue.
It's listed here sandy

cudgel  [kuhj-uhl] Show IPA
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: baton for hitting
Synonyms: bastinado, bat, billy, billyclub, birch, blackjack, bludgeon, cane, club, cosh, ferule, mace, nightstick, paddle, rod, sap, shill, shillelagh, spontoon, stick, switch, truncheon
Ah, OK. I'd have thought of a bat as something you'd play a game with rather than a weapon. I live and learn.
You bat-ter people with a bat, sandy :-)

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