gosh you lot are all so good here s a few more
1. a stranded group of reddish-purple people. 2. they engage in bitter recreation.
3.emancipation with a kiss. 4. sweet little one s. 5. a type of computer. 6.a lady who idolised in a basilica. 7. creation. 8. a christmas bush just beginning to re-grow. 9. hearsay of doubtful accuracy. 10. concrete robert with lamenting group. 11.a duck with dodger s friend. 12. a group of coastal scavengers. 13. particoloured ship s company. 14. bright marine picture. 15.young children s geography book.16. a deceased american president in a green common. 17. introduces speakers with gravel. 18. goliath s nemesis would have appreciated this weapon. 19. dog,cat,lion,elephant. 20. photoshop. many thanks in advance.