Guardian 26,137 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Guardian 26,137

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AMartinP | 18:52 Sat 21st Dec 2013 | Crosswords
8 Answers
35a: Fishing area could be Dover? S*l*. Sole? Is this a fishing area?
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Yes it is!
Yes - its a sandbank
Sole is a an area on the Shipping Forecast.
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Thank you. Any offers for 19a: Killed - left missing out east by partners: ***n*-s*e*s; 3d: 24's patriarch came up, cleaving sword: D*n*e, ***a*r* (answer to 24 is "archers"). Thank you.
Dan Archer was the patriarch of the Archers story, if that helps.
The other one is "Danse Macabre" (ties up with the theme: search for the composer!)

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Guardian 26,137

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