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Dm Smallest/hardest

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retrocop | 12:35 Mon 13th Jan 2014 | Crosswords
21 Answers
Can anyone who has completed this crossword tell me where I seem to have gone hopelessly wrong?
These are the clues and the answers so far I have given all but one.
1A. A Breakwater.(4) Spit or maybe Spur
4A.Radio Band.(abbr)(2) I have put LF for Low Frquency.
5A. Weight (abbr) (2) I have Dr for Dram
6A. Perceive(4) i have twig

1D. A long cut(4) slit?
2D.Former monetary unit of Germany(abbr) (2) I have Pf (Pfennig)??
5D. (L) Gods(2) I have DI.
With the answers shown above I am left with T?RG for 3D. Rough,Hard,Stone(4)
Been on this longer than I should.Please,someone help me put this to bed.TIA


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1a: Spur 4a: HF (High Frequency) 6a: Twig 1d: Shot (as in film making) 2d: PF 3d: Ragg 5d: DI That's what I've got! John
13:19 Mon 13th Jan 2014
4a might be FM or AM.
5a might be lb, oz, kg.
1d might be slot.
2d might be DM (Deutschemark).
5d what does (L) stand for?
1a might be mole.
6a might be espy. Twig means to suddenly see the meaning of something.
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(L) means the clue is asking for a Latin word
1d would agree with slit
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If it were Mole and espy I would then have M??E for 1D. A long cut(4)???
You did far better than me I am not often defeated by this tricky puzzle but even had to get help to get DI and was mulling over between DM of PF I too have spent too long so will have to wait til tomorrow!
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HI dmbhunt.I'm sure split and twig is correct,so, LF and PF would seem to be OK also but 3D is the real pain here!!
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Thank you all for your suggestions.I give up.All will be revealed tomorrow I hope. Thanks again.
4a could be MW as well (old medium wave)
4a Will be either 'FM' or 'MW' or 'LW'
Sorry didn't scroll down first.
ragg and dg for decigram?
And 5a could then be dg - decigram?
...which would make your 1a SPUR.
1a: Spur
4a: HF (High Frequency)
6a: Twig

1d: Shot (as in film making)
2d: PF
3d: Ragg
5d: DI

That's what I've got!


4a should be LF (Low Frequency)

1d should be Slit

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Dm Smallest/hardest

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