Mephisto 2786 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Mephisto 2786

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foxspur | 21:55 Sun 19th Jan 2014 | Crosswords
6 Answers
6dn Green element with sorrow over changing direction (9) Is it OLIVENITE. If so, why?
24ac Right about nothing moving in store causing burden (9, three words)
I have. ??EH??DON
All help appreciated.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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'lien' outside of 'hoard' with the O moved
6d) i've got OLIVEDRAB but can't fully explain it at the moment
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Thank you bibblebub, if I can parse olive drab I'll get back.
Took a while to get but BAR (element in fire) DEVIL (look up sorrow in BRB) and O(ver). Now if someone can explain delphs ...... !!
No sooner did I ask about delphs than I worked it out - typical!!
thanks s_pugh

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Mephisto 2786

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