Crosswords17 mins ago
Daily Mail? Daily Pervert!
39 Answers
We all know that you don't have to DO anything to be featured in the Daily Mail. You just have to wear a short skirt, or show some cleavage. Or, the Holy Grail of Daily Mail journalism ... a nipple outline.
The latest victim of the Daily Pervert is Christina Milan, who attracted the attention of the Mail's serious front line journalists by showing a bit of her pants.
http:// www.dai lymail. vshowbi z/artic le-2546 240/Chr istina- Milian- suffers -wardro be-malf unction -backle ss-dres s-expos es-g-st ml
The latest victim of the Daily Pervert is Christina Milan, who attracted the attention of the Mail's serious front line journalists by showing a bit of her pants.
I can't bear those sites and magazines that point out tiny, slightly less beautiful bits, like a little bit of flab, sweat patch or hairy armpit. Any journalist who writes these articles should publish a full-length, untouched photo of themselves alongside them. I do generally ignore them.
09:44 Mon 27th Jan 2014
Historical events on the sidebar of shame.
http:// www.buz zfeed.c om/tomp hillips /the-hi story-o f-the-w orld-ac cording -to-the -daily- mail-si debar
I'm tempted to think that most of the male staff at the Daily Pervert spend much of the day furtively touching their own willies.
While waiting for the copy for the Femail section of the paper, lol
Why do they bother with the Femail section, seriously? Does it help them to justify all their pervy tit chasing features?
While waiting for the copy for the Femail section of the paper, lol
Why do they bother with the Femail section, seriously? Does it help them to justify all their pervy tit chasing features?
In an earlier thread, I did ask AOG about the 'sidebar of shame'. He said that it was a separate section, akin to the showbiz section,which was for those interested in such matters. He did not, it appears, bother with it, not having those interests. I always look at it when on the site; it makes a change to have a report in the Mail which is accurate in all ways.
I read - sorry 'look at' - this trash every morning when having my breakfast. It is just the worst excuse for journalism ever. It's fine if you want to know about the Kardashians, Abbey Clancy (she is the new favourite at the moment) or other Z list celebs 'flashing their pins' or posing at an awards ceremony.
At least with the Winter Olympics coming up, the Mail will have fewer opportunities to get photos of ladies' bits.
You won't find top skiers like Lindsey Vonn doing any of this "flaunting" nonsense.
http:// maxcdn. fooyoh. com/fil es/atta ch/imag es/3004 /997/58 8/004/l indsey_ vonn_sp orts_il lustrat ed_febr uary_20 10_11.j pg
Err ...
You won't find top skiers like Lindsey Vonn doing any of this "flaunting" nonsense.
Err ...
Well, at least Christina Milian is an adult.
Unlike this eight year old (yes, eight, not eighteen) that the paper leered over in an article this time last year.
How many of us would refer to an eight year old child as a...'leggy beauty'?
http:// www.the mediabl k/the-m edia-bl og/2013 /01/dai ly-mail -turns- the-cre epiness -up-a-n ml
Well, at least Christina Milian is an adult.
Unlike this eight year old (yes, eight, not eighteen) that the paper leered over in an article this time last year.
How many of us would refer to an eight year old child as a...'leggy beauty'?