"We've moved Crosswords to its correct alphabetical place. It now sits just beneath "Chatterbank" Please direct any lost crossworders there please!
Thanks in advance,
Mazie be advised - there is a case of a young lady chanting "9 items only in this queue" at a transgressor who was now loading his car - and then she cut his ear off !
[ why didnt she shoot him, I have always wondered ]
Evening PP. We share pedantry, perhaps. Or maybe it's OCD in my case.
I like to help with crosswords and find it much easier to look in one place as I only come on here from time to time. It's much easier now we have a separate section but it would be easier for me if the vast majority went in there. It was even worse when some started to go in Science and Offers& Comps. I try to do it politely. I know some people think it's petty but I feel we have sections for a reason and it makes things work better