(See previous post) I share the sense of strangeness. By the way 15 ac should be parsed by using ROOD (cross) rather than brood. For those who have done the puzzle, how do 2d and 19ac parse? I get the REES (Welshman) in 2d ...but PIN = cask??? And I see the TEN in Austen 19ac, but AUS = guardian???
Thanks Humbersloop. Come to think of it, I've come across this use of US before, but I think it usually means 'us' the journalistic and editorial bunch at the Guardian rather than its - admittedly - very ready to identify with, readers. Phew ... pin for cask - how obscure! I thought I'd used up enough synonyms with KEG, VAT and TUN!
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Do you know the answer?
Guardian Prize Crossword Saturday February 8Th 2014