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frameshift | 10:00 Fri 21st Feb 2014 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Last two. 24 down Masefield involved her in one damned thing after another (5) E?E?A
Can only think of Elena, but can't see any connection.
4 down The Australian travel writer in Brooke poem? (3, 4) T?E ?I?L


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4d I have "The Hill" which fits both criteria
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Thanks for that Zabadak.
I see we both put in the same answer to 24d. Good guess, or did you find it?
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No haven't figured it out, just went with it.

The John Masefield novel is ODTAA - but I can't find a list of characters to see if there is an Elena or any other name combination of E?E?A.
Difficult to Google the character list, but there is mention of a George Elena here..
Looks likely, but the traditional TLS error, perhaps, as arguably Elena in Masefield is him, not a her. Well found, though!

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