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Prize Crossword 22/3/14

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ordbrae | 12:35 Sat 22nd Mar 2014 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Can't get any today.Will be grateful for help.
1Ac Cl ''Boy Jack hopes to change'' (6) ????p?
9Ac Cl ''Spring bringing back endless anxiety for this bird'' (7) ????r??
12Ac Cl ''Bouquet-livelybouquey! (7) ????g??
24Ac Cl ''Herb for Lear's daughter in spectacles (7) ??????o
18 Dn Cl Delay,thus back in Nigerian port (5) ?????


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1 Joseph - anag J, hopes
12 nosegay
24 O Regan O
18 Lagos
24a oregano
18d Lagos?
9a.Sparrow ( spa +worr(y) reversed)
Question Author

Many thanks to dannyk13,sandyroe,oldred and especially scorpiojo.

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Prize Crossword 22/3/14

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