Dt Cryptic 27,444 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Dt Cryptic 27,444

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catswhiskas | 13:39 Sun 23rd Mar 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
8a lords perhaps being led by mild boozer (8)
2d apply to acquire eastern joint (6)
12a woman from limerick, say, without husband (4)
21d arousing discredit, being in the red with promises to pay (6)
Have got a bit stuck on these last ones, thanks for any help.
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12a Iris(h)
2d Reefer
If they are your last ones? then you will have some letters. (help those that help themselves)
8 alehouse
21 OD-ious
12a Iris
Question Author
Thank you all, very much.

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