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Inquisitor 1327

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Ripper | 14:34 Mon 31st Mar 2014 | Crosswords
8 Answers
I've (with difficulty!) filled in all but four clues.
But, my extra letters make no sense at all!
I read that someone said they'd be 4 5 2 5 4. Also someone mentioned an obsure card game, I've had a big google of card games to no avail!
I'm still really stuck
Please could someone give me a nudge or two in the right direction.
Thanks in advance


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forget the card game. 4 5 2 5 4 is ok. Think australian missiles
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Thank you snikwal, that makes a lot more sense!
Am I correct in thinking I'll end up with non-words?
Thanks again
as far as I can see they are all proper words
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Thank you again snikwal
Well I've found the 9 letter 'kylie' on the left hand side but can't see anything relevant to the instructions on the right. It doesn't help that I just can't see the fourth letter of the fifth instruction word to go with AND
There is a letter missing from the instruction (last letter, first word).

The letter you are looking for to complete the last word of the instruction (and not at the end of it) should be obvious if you have the fourth word.

The clue that gives it is very cleverly worded, though (as IQ clues ought to be, of course!).
Well. I am woefully behind on this one From postings here I think i get the 'returning' theme/object. I have nearly completed the grid but can't get 1 across - for which I have M----A. Help, please!
Boreas, do you like Indian food, chicken tikka...? (I couldn't parse the whole clue, but I had crossing letters. The last word in the clue has the misprint.)

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Inquisitor 1327

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