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davey b | 17:53 Mon 31st Mar 2014 | Crosswords
16 Answers
Fad floundering? C?L?


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I can see the fad but not the floundering.
Think we're all floundering there FF - with all the ? marks
There was a 1994(?) film "Floundering", but verily I don't know if it acquired a cult following.
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Thanks folks. Guess it will remain one of Myops many mysteries!
Did the clue have any punctuation, davey? Was floundering spelt with a capital letter?
On the publicity posters, f-f, the "f" was lower case.
Thanks, ff

I'm puzzled by this though- was it a well known cult film, I wonder
Can't say I am any nearer but remember this is a Scottish publication - may be dialect at play here.

What's Dr Who got to do with it?
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FF. In answer to your question. No punctuation, small f.

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