Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
5 Answers
6d Audibly stare at a female martyr ...(7)
Stephen ? Can see female but not stare.
5d Abstemious fellow being entertained in the pinnacle of Solomon's poetry(5)
12a 'e stripped out Aix of old and put in a looter Joshua knew about (5)
Stephen ? Can see female but not stare.
5d Abstemious fellow being entertained in the pinnacle of Solomon's poetry(5)
12a 'e stripped out Aix of old and put in a looter Joshua knew about (5)
12a) ACHAN https:// en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Achan_( biblical_ figure) remove the E from ACHEN and put in an A
15:09 Fri 04th Apr 2014
12a) ACHAN https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Achan _(bibli cal_fig ure)
remove the E from ACHEN and put in an A
remove the E from ACHEN and put in an A