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red46 | 16:45 Mon 07th Apr 2014 | Crosswords
5 Answers
1a, 2words, 6.4. ????n? ??t?, Support, then scold, inferior.
2d, ????p??, In county, foolishly plays number of West Indians.
4d, ????o?, Reach logical conclusions about a child.
1d ????, Problem in adding ring for foreign form of fighting.
9a, ????t??, Armed civilians prepare to fire back across one line with it.
14a, I???a?, I accordingly must join legal group on which pressure is constant.
23d, ?r?d, Gave rise to bishop and cardinal, say.


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23d bred
second rate
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Thanks vakayu ,bibblebub for your help.
you're welcome
Glad to help,though not much ! Well done bibble,saved me thinking.

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