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bluepork19 | 12:41 Mon 05th May 2014 | Crosswords
10 Answers
2d. source of inspiration?you'll need some other at once(5)e?A?O
5d. sailor absorbing a lot of nonsense,like many statistics?(7)T?B?L?R
14d. a fine combination of fun and zeal produces guilt in the rich(9)A?F?U???A
19a. variable error unknown in system model(6)O?L?D?
21d. oracle is upset by line(5)S???A
24a. central feature of walkman-no bass volume control?(4)????
23d. one former partner accepting new addition to home?(5)A?N??
27a. erotic-certainly backed receiving appropriate classification(4)S???
thanks in advance


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5d tabular
2 Erato - in clue
5 tabular
14 affluenza
23d annex
2d erato
23d annex
24a knob ?
2d ERATO (a muse, othER AT Once)
5d TABULAR (Tar about (A+BUL[L]))
14d AFFLUENZA (A+F[ine]+ anag. "fun zeal")
23d ANNEX (An + Ex about N[ew])
27a SEXY (Yes< about X[-rated])
19a Orrery
27a Sexy
21 Sibyl

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