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Pioneer 737

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Bernie | 00:37 Fri 09th May 2014 | Crosswords
12 Answers
15a. Notwithstanding (6) ? L??? T
17d Full of anxiety or yearning (???? Ful)
22a Line( 4)???? ful
All three are interlinked
Many thanks


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If albeit is right for 17 down I now have e??? Ful
Bernie, is Q22 ????ful or just 4 letters?
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Hi sorry Im not very good at crosswords, Im trying to teach myself how to figure out crossword clues and answers, I clicked on the link for earnful and the definition says ‘full of anxiety or yearning’, I can’t see the connection to the clue Line? Would you mind explaining it to me?
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Its for 17d - Full of anxiety or yearning

22a] Line is a separate clue
duh silly me! it’s too late in the day for a crossword novice to be looking at clues!!
22 file/fill/tier?
Question Author
Sorry I fell asleep while all you were working hard!
16d Litigation (I have lawsuit) ) which fits in around 15a -albeit.
I would go with earnful.
The only one left is 22a. Line (4) w? R? which I think has to be wire (? as in clothes line ) What do you think.
Thank you all

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