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Rte Guide 24

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Bernie | 10:43 Tue 03rd Jun 2014 | Crosswords
7 Answers
9 A. Here the rider must lie - unwilling to commit either way to the chase (2, 3, 5) ?? ??? ??? C?
10a in search of El Dorado is a fast and furious quest.(4, 4) No letters
1d E.T. alarm or just initial reconstruction of such a warning (5, 5) ????? ?? E? T
2d hit or miss-it's down to chance (6) no letters
4d A longing afoot (4) no letters
6d Let that trophy of older be on your head ssoldier (8) ??????? N
11a Partied endlessly about his immoral role in the main (6) p??? T?
Many thanks


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11a Pirate
9 on the fence
6d Bearskin
1d Major Alert - anag
10a Gold Rush
4d Itch?

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Rte Guide 24

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