News4 mins ago
Sunday Independant
8 Answers
15d,name given to the raised space in front of Leinster House which is often the scene of photocalls(6) P*I*T*?.Any help would be great .
Plinth - http:// www. oireachtas. ie/ parliament/ mediazone/ facilities/ ^ Scroll down to "Interview locations"
17:24 Sun 08th Jun 2014
Plinth -
http:// www.oir eachtas .ie/par liament /mediaz one/fac ilities /
^ Scroll down to "Interview locations"
^ Scroll down to "Interview locations"
The Plinth even has it's own Twitter account...
http:// thedail yedge.t hejourn ail-pli nth-twi tter-ac count-1 491632- May2014 /