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Irish Business Post

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Drum1977 | 19:31 Wed 02nd Jul 2014 | Crosswords
14 Answers
8a Haphazard but organized? Do grand. (6) r-n-o-
15a A horse-sheep mixture - literally... (7) a-a--a-
16a ...allows one to place a skunk thus (7) -o--c-t

Thanks for any light any of you can shed!


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8a random
8a: ran do m
15a: a nag ram
8a Random ?
16a Polecat ?
^^^^. :)
oh scorpiojo, that's always happening!
Question Author
Thank you all. I was thinking polecat, but simply cos of the letters i had...can anyone tell me why it's the answer?
A skunk is also known as a polecat.
Anag of 'to a place'
'to place' is an anagram (answer to 15a) os 'polecat
and its an anagram of "to place".
Hat trick :)
Question Author
So obvious when ye point it out. Thank you all :-)

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Irish Business Post

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