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Tls 1037

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frameshift | 09:17 Fri 08th Aug 2014 | Crosswords
11 Answers
I have one wrong and I think it is 2 down: Emily Dickinson's confiding prodigal (6)
I entered ORIOLE, because the checked letters matched O?I??E and she wrote a poem about an oriole.
It seems to me to be the only one I'm not sure about. Any explanation appreciated.


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One of the ones that Midas touched,
Who failed to touch us all,
Was that confiding prodigal,
The blissful oriole.
13a Unhappy Lear gets flowers from author of Cordial(4,6)
I have E*R*/***E*S
That should complete it.
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So if oriole was right I am wondering which one was wrong now.
Do Earl Rivers & oriole Clash?
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No. Earl Rivers is not on the same line as 2 down.
Then where do you think you have gone wrong?
I don't follow this, frameshift.
Oriole fits the pattern you gave- so I'm not sure what the problem is?
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The only one I'm not absolutely sure of are 5 down and 19 down.
5d Part of church where we may bring forth creativity (7) I?SP?R?E INSPIRE
19d Novelist no doubt calm, following storm (7) ?A?ES?N
I had JAMESON, because there was novelist called Storm Jameson, but I couldn't see where the storm came from.
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Sorry, I meant I couldn't see where the 'calm' came from.
Saying 'The calm after the storm'?
Thank you for Earl Rivers!

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