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mra1 | 19:30 Fri 22nd Aug 2014 | Crosswords
6 Answers
stuck on the last 3 sort of prose by which one may be swayed - S?A?I?? ; devotees of the novel visiting this play may not see the Wood for the adapers' work (4,5) ??S? ??NE and He suggesteed control at the middle, the biggest part, according to Huxley's savage A?I?? can anyone help please?


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I think 15a is suasive, 17d could be East lynne and 23a is Ariel. Could you tell me what you have for 28a Lawrence encountered one in his pyjamas (5) S???E
Lawrence: Snake.
A snake came to my water-trough
On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,
To drink there.
many tks all
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Thanks very much everyone - had gone to bed with no answers and have only now found all your contributions?

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