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pomona | 09:41 Sat 20th Sep 2014 | Crosswords
10 Answers
4a Brill poem about King and Queen visiting country (5-4) ??????A??
5d weak person on horse given violent blow (3,7) ??? / ???O?G?


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Thank you deepseadiver - can you parse them please?
I can see an RR in there (king and queen) and a STATE but not the FIR so I may be off track
Sorry- poem is IF reversed
Question Author
thanks ff!
SO IF reversed + R +ST R ATE
I made hard work of that !
Happy to help
runt + H + rough?
And run through can (just)= blow
He ran through all his money- he blew all his money
Think the FI is the poem about ( Kipling's "IF")

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