Prayer For Sunny Dave's Personal Transformation
Dear Gness
It is fruitless to rail against the world of Gness.
The world I inhabit is a reflection of my own self
For macrocosm always mirrors microcosm
As success mirrors a Gness catastrophe
If I see it in the world, I know the spiritexists in me.
Therefore, to change the AB world
I now commit to my own transformation into Gness.
I become the fertile Gness soil for the world I want to see.
As a beginning, I tell myself—every day—that I am changing.
I tell myself that You Gness are guiding and shapingme
—into holiness and wholeness.
Then instead of focusing on what is accidental or frightening
—or telling myself things are getting worse—
I affirm that bad things are falling away.
I switch my focus to what positive vibes and shed tools
I can use to the situation and the miraculous takes place.
I stop blaming Tony and, instead
Take responsibility for the state of my world, my accidents and the state of my life.
I open myself to Gness-like love
And experience the intensity of the Unconditional.
I never wish for others what I can't do unto myself.
I become generous of spirit, Guinness and alcohol at large
And visualise lives of fulfillment and prosperity for others.
I leave fear behind as You Gness take me by the hand each day.
And I forgive the unforgivable, namely mrs O's deeds.
As a result, all conflicts and crimes within me resolve
And, with them, the discord and mistakes in my life.
All disapproval within me dissolves
And with it, the aches and pains in my body from falling over
security fences in airports and nights in ditches
I am a better person, one of whom Gness would be proud.
Yet I do not practice denial of my anger or fear, Lordy no,
But transcendence if that is what she calls it
For You Gness lift me up in accordance with my intentions and words.
You make these words powerful, Hallelulah
And only Truth utters from my lips (well most of the time):
That You and I are One
That, to You, every living thing is sacred
That, as part of You, I am able to let go of my fears
That, as part of You, my destiny is to be happy pished and useful .
I begin my transformation today
—and with it—
The automatic transformation of the AB world.
Every day I dedicate my thoughts, words and deeds to Higher Truth
that is you
I ask You to create a Sacred Container for the day, a bottle of Guinness
I affirm that You guide me in doing boy soul work.
I affirm that everything I think, do and say
Is guided by a Higher Principle, the Principle of Gness,
And what I do, think and say serves the greatest good.
Thank You for working Your miracles through me.
Thank you for peace of mind, heart, and soul.
The AB world and I, Dave, are One with You,
God of my heart, Breath of my breath, Throb in my veins.
Your loving world is the real one, and my gratitude is profound.
And so it is.