Cash Word in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Cash Word

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shamikajenkins | 17:01 Tue 30th Sep 2014 | Crosswords
7 Answers
To fail to look after a good ? Is really Unwise Coat or Colt
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Which part is the clue shamika and what letters do you have?
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To fail To look after a good ? Is really unwise..... Coat or Colt is the answer
Thank you

I assume it's a saying or proverb but not one I'm familiar with.
Googling "fail to look after a good" comes up with two similar clues but no answer. E.g.
To fail to look after a good - - - is very foolish
Coat. I'm sure I've read that somewhere.
Is the capital 'U' relevant?
?.......and should there be a full stop after Unwise?

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