Morning danny. I am feeling pretty good thanks.No pain in wound site. Plumbing all as it should be now so a successful op as far as I am concerned. Little bit of weeping from wound when Nurse retro frequently changes dressings.May have to see GP on Monday for some anti-biotics IF they still prescribe them. I see the consultant/surgeon on the 24th. Any news about bryand ?
Thanks scorpiojo and danny for the update. I'm hoping it is only a slow recovery problem with NO complications and he may be detained a little longer. Who knows.We can only hope he makes a good recovery soon as.
Hi retrocop
Pleased to hear your op was straightforward and I hope everything will be all clear for you.Marvellous what they can do these days.My husbands was more complicated and he ended up with an "appendage" but he's still here that's the main thing .
Sorry to digress on your thread kuulteach.
Nurse retro is bossing me a bit for doing too much. She states that post op a patient should not lift any thing heavier than a cup of tea.I would look a right charlie in the local as she tenderly offers my pint of Doombar to my eager lips.
Shaneystar. Thank you for your'e kind words. I wish you and hubby future good health. xxxx
Sorry also kuulteach. I will go and sit in the naughty corner now.